RDC (Radionuclide Drug Conjugate) is an innovative and rapidly evolving multifunctional radiopharmaceutical. Composed of four components, including radionuclide, chelator, linker, and targeting molecule, RDC can accurately identify the diseased cells, image the binding cells, and damage the tumor.
As a global leader in RDC development, Alfa Cytology offers a series of RDC services to promote your RDC development projects.
Fig.1 Illustration of the structure of RDC.
Cancer is one of the most noted diseases today. However, neither the existing chemotherapy nor radiotherapy can perfectly cause precise damage to tumor cells. RDC, as a novel radiopharmaceutical, can accurately identify and kill tumor cells. A number of RDC have developed to be applied in tumor imaging and treatment. The most intensively studied cancers treated by RDC are shown below.
The radionuclide is a useful ingredient of RDC, which can image and damage diseased cells. Radionuclides with different types of emitting beams have different utilities. The alpha and beta particles are used in cancer treatment, while the gamma particles play a role in diagnostic imaging.
Alfa Cytology with top-notched equipment offers professional radionuclide screening service and synthesis service to find the most suitable radionuclide for your special RDC project.
The chelator is an essential part of RDC, which can chelate and stabilize the free radionuclide in RDC. Alfa Cytology, with a chelator library with more than 10 kinds of chelators, can provide a professional chelator screening and synthesis service to support your RDC development project. The six most commonly used chelators are shown below.
The linker is the spacer between the radionuclide-chelator compound and the targeting molecule. The linker can affect the radiotracer excretion kinetics and bioactive properties of RDC. Alfa Cytology with decades of linker development experience is professional at linker design and synthesis.
The delivery part is the pargeting molecule in RDC. Three types of targeting molecules, including antibodies, small molecules, and peptides are commonly used in RDC. As a comprehensive CRO company, Alfa Cytology can provide high-quality RDC delivery part design and synthesis services for all three kinds.
As a comprehensive CRO company, Alfa Cytology can offer a series of services in the RDC design process. We have provided RDC design and conjugation services for many institutions and companies for decades. Alfa Cytology has top-notched equipment and experienced scientists to meet your demand.
Industrial Leadership
Cost Efficient
Highly Customizable
Premium Quality
We are honored to share our experience and technology with you and support your RDC development project. Please contact us for more information.