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Tumor Inhibition Potency Analysis Service

RDC (Radionuclide Drug Conjugate) is a newly discovered concept for clinical cancer diagnosis and treatment. The tumor cell is a classic in vitro model for preclinical investigations.

Alfa Cytology has established multiple tumor cell lines and organ models for tumor inhibition potency analysis.

Fig.1 Diagram of tumor cells.

The Influence of RDC on Tumor Cells

The radionuclide and the targeting molecule are two key parts of RDC, as the radionuclide plays an effective role in RDC and the targeting molecule works as the delivery vehicle. Radionuclides are capable to damage cancer cells by decaying and emitting alpha- or beta- radioactive rays. The affinity of delivery molecules for targeted molecules expressed in cancer cells is a crucial step in the efficacy of RDC drugs. Another key point is the selection of the right radionuclide to damage the DNA and inhibit other metabolic processes of tumor cells.

Tumor Cell as An in Vitro Model

In the preclinical phase of drug development, in vitro and in vivo toxicology and efficacy testing studies are essential to determine the threshold and usefulness of how the RDC works on diseased tissue. In the context of RDC development, the tumor inhibition potency analysis can provide useful information on the pathophysiological processes, which is directly correlated to the damage of cancer cells by radionuclide and can describe tumor growth and tumor inhibition due to the RDC.

For example, the in vitro effects of various treatments, including BLS (Blank Liposomes), GAQ (Aqueous Glutathione Disulfide), GLS (Glutathione Disulfide Liposomes) on apoptosis of NCI-H226 cancer cell is evaluated by TUNEL assay.

Fig.1 Effects of various treatments on apoptosis of cancer cells.Fig.1 Effects of various treatments on apoptosis of cancer cells.
(Sadhu, et al., 2017, Cancer growth and metastasis)

Our Service

  • Tumor Cell Models
  • In an effort to evaluate RDC and therapeutic treatments, a great number of cancer cell lines are used as in vitro models to evaluate the candidate drugs. Alfa Cytology maintains a great number of cell lines, shown below, that can be used for in vitro IC50 studies and inhibition potency analysis and is capable to utilize client-provided cell lines for in vitro analysis to enable customized tumor inhibition potency analysis as well.

    • Breast Adenocarcinoma
    • Lung Cancer
    • Prostate Cancer
    • Melanoma
    • Ovarian cancer
    • Hematoma
    • Kidney Cancer
    • Leukemia
    • Neuroblastoma
    • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Tumor Inhibition Potency Analysis
  • Inhibition T/C Ratio Evaluation
    The tumor growth inhibition T/C (Treatment/Control) ratio is commonly used to quantify treatment effects by evaluating the volume of each tumor model and statistical analysis to assess the anti-tumor activity of the treatment.
  • Tumor Cell Morphology Analysis
    The morphology of tumor cells can be imaged by our professional imaging platform cells to assess the adhesion ability and the cell number after RDC administration.
  • Viability Status Analysis
    The viability status is a key property to confirm the proportion of apoptotic cells after RDC administration.

In addition, with professional scientists and platforms, Alfa Cytology is capable to provide professional RDC analysis service in vivo in different animal models to ascertain the efficacy of your RDC product.

Project Workflow

Project Workflow.

Why Choose Us

Why Choose Us

Alfa Cytology is a professional CRO company, providing premium quality tumor inhibition potency analysis service. We adhere strictly to our core technology and our scientists are all experienced and professional. We undertake standard or custom analysis services on your RDC according to your demand. Please contact us for more information.


  1. Sadhu, S. S., Wang, S., Dachineni, R., Averineni, R. K., Yang, Y., Yin, H., ... & Guan, X. (2017). In vitro and in vivo tumor growth inhibition by glutathione disulfide liposomes. Cancer growth and metastasis, 10, 1179064417696070.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.








  • Please note that we are not a pharmacy or clinic, so we are unable to see patients and do not offer diagnostic and treatment services for individuals.
Alfa Cytology RDC
Alfa Cytology offers efficient, customized, and professional R&D services related to radionuclide drug conjugates.
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