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Cell Uptake & Release Assay Services for Radiopharmaceuticals

Alfa Cytology offers a fully integrated in vitro cell uptake and release assay with radiopharmaceuticals. With highly entrenched scientific knowledge in biology, chemistry, and physics, we deliver accurate and reliable assay results to fast-track research and development in radiopharmaceuticals.

Introduction on Cell Uptake & Release

Cell uptake and release refer to the process by which cells take up or release molecules, ions, or any other substances. Thus, cell uptake and-release assays are central to investigating radiopharmaceutical behavior at the cellular level. These assays can quantify cellular internalization of radiolabeled compounds and their subsequent release. This information is critical for drug development, toxicity studies, and treatment optimization since it advances understanding of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of radiopharmaceuticals.

Fig 1. Cell uptake assays. Fig. 1. Radiolabeling, cell uptake assay and saturation binding experiment. (Zeng Z, et al., 2024)

Our Cell Uptake & Release Assay Services

Alfa Cytology provides end-to-end cell uptake and release assays for radiopharmaceuticals by applying state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies. On another note, our team has an empowered way of delivering accurate analysis, dependable results, and actionable data for the research and development efforts of our clients.

Cellular Uptake Assays

We can offer to help clients regarding the radiopharmaceutical uptake or other compounds into cells. This can include quantitative measurements of the extent that a drug is taken up by cells with fluorescently labeled or radiolabeled compounds, following which we provide accurate data analysis to the client.

Determining IC50 Values Assessing the inhibitory concentration of test compounds against the cellular uptake of radiolabeled neurotransmitters.
Evaluating Metabolite Uptake Measure the uptake of a radiolabelled metabolite or drug.
Protein Internalization Investigating the uptake and internalization of radiolabelled proteins by cells.

Cellular Release Assays

We can help our clients assess the release rate of radiopharmaceuticals or any other radiolabeled molecule from cells. This will help address very useful information to our clients about a drug's metabolism and release from a cell, based on its accumulation and release over some time.

Rubidium Efflux Assay Using rubidium-86 to quantify drug effects on the stimulation or inhibition of ligand-gated ion channel activity, such as nicotinic receptors.
Efflux Measurement Monitoring the release of radiolabelled drugs from cells via various transport mechanisms.

Analytical Approaches

Analytical techniques for purification include radiometric assays, imaging, and fluorescence-based techniques. Cellular behavior is thus definitely given by radiopharmaceuticals based on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modeling.

Data and Information

Through our cell uptake & release assay services, clients gain access to valuable data on cellular uptake rates, internalization pathways, efflux mechanisms, and potential interactions with molecular targets. This information proves instrumental in optimizing drug formulations, predicting therapeutic outcomes, and ensuring product safety.

  • Quantitative Uptake and Release Metrics
  • Pharmacokinetic Profiles
  • Mechanistic Insights

Applications of Cell Uptake & Release Assays

Applications of the cell uptake & release assay include drug discovery, preclinical studies, pharmacokinetic profiling, and safety assessments. Helped by such assays, our customers can look more deeply into the aspects of the drug-cell interaction that help generate novel therapeutics and customized treatments.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details about the services available or with regard to your specific assay needs. At Alfa Cytology, excellence and precision are about serving you right for your research and development enterprise.


  1. Zeng Z, Li L, Tao J, et al. (2024). [177Lu]Lu-labeled anti-claudin-18.2 antibody demonstrated radioimmunotherapy potential in gastric cancer mouse xenograft models. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 51(5):1221-1232.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.








  • Please note that we are not a pharmacy or clinic, so we are unable to see patients and do not offer diagnostic and treatment services for individuals.
Alfa Cytology RDC
Alfa Cytology offers efficient, customized, and professional R&D services related to radionuclide drug conjugates.
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